Hello and welcome to my new web site.. This is the place to check in to what is happening in my life and keep up to date with Ludwig History.

Here are a few photos from the 2009 NAMM Show in California. This is the 100th anniversary of Ludwig and they invited me to come out and share in this exciting time for Ludwig and for my families history.

Here I am working the Ludwig booth.. It sure brought back memories when I did this with the entire Ludwig family...

Ludwig was running the 100th anniversary DVD which will be available to the public soon..


The 2009 Cape Breton Drumfest May 23-24 2009

B-III doing Three Camps on a rope tension drum and signing autographs!

One of the best drumming events in the business and an excellent group of people running the show. I felt like royalty!

William F Ludwig III

Copyright LudPub LLC ©2010
Design TDE